Guidelines To Start The Chapter
Following is the criteria to start the chapter:
Enroll 15 Life members and send the required amount of Rs.2000 + GST (Rs.360/- i.e 2360/-per each Member as per new rules) along with application form to Head quarters.
After receiving the Life membership card you may form the chapter.
For formation please do elect the following members:
1) Chairperson
2) Secretary
3) Treasurer
4) Program Chairperson
After election and conducting inaugural function. Send us the photograph, brief report and names of office bearers. The same will be uploaded in the CCNS website.
Can conduct programs at chapter level and send the report, will be uploaded in the website.
Can encourage for more Life members at chapter level
Contact Us
Prof. Jaya Kuruvilla
Emerald Court, Kondivita Lane,
Marol pipe line,
Andheri (E),
Mumbai 59, India.